Hello! A little about me...
I’m Becky, mum of two, wife, occasional digger driver, VA!
I set up Kettlewell Virtual Assistance to allow myself some flexibility for my family and to enable me to support our other business, Kettlewell Groundworks Ltd. Yes, along with my VA duties, I’m a trades business owner and can often be found laying block paving and mixing cement, you get the idea!
Why choose me for your business?
Talk to my husband and he’ll tell you what a lifesaver having me as a VA is!
From my experience of being a trades business owner, I know it’s not all sunshine and roses. You do a hard day’s graft but it doesn’t end there.
You’ve got appointments to view work on your way home. If you’re lucky, you make it home in time to see the kids before they go to bed. Grab a quick bite to eat and then start again with a long list of tasks.
- Price new work and send out quotes
- Check your emails
- Send payments to your suppliers
- Chase clients for unpaid invoices
- Check you've got the right materials ready for tomorrow
- Book your vans in for servicing
- Put a few posts together and share to your social media accounts
These are all jobs that you could pass over to me and I’ll work with you to understand what you need help with most. I’m happy to make suggestions where I see things you could improve or change to further make your life easier. As the saying goes…
“If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.”
Meet 'the team!'
Becky Kettlewell
They say that I’m the boss around here and, if you’re a dog owner, you’ll know that’s not strictly true! But, don’t worry, because these four won’t be handling your business. They just tag along.
A little about me then. Multitasker and organiser. I’m a number cruncher, list writer and spreadsheet geek. Bit of a petrolhead. I love animals. Not a morning person unless I’ve had my cuppa and you’ll only get Yorkshire Tea from me. If you call me for help, I’ll go out of my way to do what I can.
(The furball)
Head of Security. If your name’s not down, you’re not coming in. Lover of custard creams, walks, tennis balls and zoomies in the garden.
(Queen P)
In her head, she is actually royalty. Her job is to sit (in her own chair!) and look rather pretty. Doesn’t like leaving her palace, and hates the car!
Daddy’s girl. Let’s just say life is never boring when she’s around. Sleeps a little. Eats a lot. Silence is definitely suspicious! Certainly doesn’t miss a trick.
(The feral one)
Smallest of the bunch but she’s the boss! Always hungry! Leave your cuppa for a second and she’s having it. Doesn’t like being left behind.